GMoF Finland & Industry events

Event, tapahtuma

10.11. #XmasJKL

7.11.2023 Kirjoittanut, GMoF | KOMMENTIT: No Comments

Join us for an exciting in-person event, #XmasJKL 2023 – The Finnish Game Industry Business Seminar on Fri Nov 10. This seminar will offer a fantastic opportunity to network and learn from industry experts.

14.5. Sports day in Helsinki

The Union of Professional Engineers is organizing a sporty family day for all its members in Helsinki at HJK’s home field Bolt Arena!

23.4. General Spring Meeting

You can either come to the meeting in place or join us in Teams.

Job hunting

14.2. Job hunting materials: CV, application, LinkedIn profile

English webinar for active job seekers or those who want to take the next step in their career. 

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