GMoF Finland & Industry events

Events, Meeting

15.11. Annual Meeting

31.10.2023 Kirjoittanut, GMoF | KOMMENTIT: No Comments

You are warmly welcome to our Annual Meeting on 15th of November. You can either come to the meeting in place or join us in Teams. 

Job hunting

7.2. Job hunting channels

English webinar for active job seekers or those who want to take the next step in their career. 

Job hunting, Recruitment

31.1. Recruitment process – each step counts!

English webinar for active job seekers or those who want to take the next step in their career. 

IGDA, party, tapahtuma

3.12. IGDA Kotka Christmas Party, Players Sports Bar Kotka

Join us in IGDA Kotka Hub -event in Kotka Players Sports Bar at 3.12. klo 18.00 – 20.00.

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