GMoF Finland & Industry events


3.12. Xmas Party

24.11.2022 Kirjoittanut, GMoF | KOMMENTIT: No Comments

Welcome to Game Makers of Finland Xmas Party!

21.-22.4.2021 Games Jobs Fair

We are partnering Finland Games Jobs Fair -event in this April. There is a great chance to meet recruiters from companies like – Rovio, Redhill Games, Fingersoft, Seriously Digital Entertainment, MiTale Ltd, Yousician, Lightneer, Frogmind, Dazzle Rocks, Quicksave and many more! Game Makers of Finland is there to showcase the Salary Survey 2020 results and hosting a panel…


9.-15.11.2020 PELIVIIKKO 2020

Game Makers of Finland is the protector of PELIVIIKKO 2020 During the Peliviikko (game week) 9.-15.11., hundreds of open events will be held all over Finland. The events are board games, role-playing, console and pc games as well as game culture lectures and workshops. The events are organized by Pelikasvattajien verkosto´s (Game Educators Network) professionals from…


26.9.2020 Game Maker Graffiti Day

Have you always wanted to try graffiti? Either you are a noob, a pro or old schooler, come and have fun in our Graffiti Day.

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