15.11. Annual Meeting
You are warmly welcome to our Annual Meeting on 15th of November. You can either come to the meeting in place or join us in Teams.
Time: Wednesday 15.11. meeting 17-19, pre-snacks and networking starting 16.30
Place: Game Makers of Finland Studio, Ratavartijankatu 2, Helsinki / Teams
We will publish the official agenda here asap, but there will be at least the statutory matters and supplement selection for the board and election of the Chairman. If you are interested to apply, you can ask more questions about that via email. Requirements for the board eligibility: the candidate must be a full member of Game Makers of Finland, and therefore automatically also member of Tietoala ry and Insinööriliitto ry.
If you are not a member yet, you can still participate and meet our board and members.