7.2. DuuniExpo & workshop
Are you coming to DuuniExpo in Lahti? Join us in the workshop: Creating the best game country together.
Have you ever wondered what your dream job or dream work community in the game industry should be
like? Take part in this inspirating and interactive workshop, where we will focus on these themes together
and as a result we will build the best game country in the world! The workshop is in English. Refreshments
and snacks are provided for participants.
Time: 7.2. at 12-14
Place: LAB University of Applied Sciences, room C250, Mukkulankatu 19, 15210 Lahti
Game Makers of Finland is the world's first trade union for people who work or study in the game industry.
Their mission is to help create, develop, and implement the best practices in collaboration with industry
TOIVE focuses on creating equal work opportunities for people regardless of their gender, gender identity
and gender expression in the eSport, ICT and game industry. TOIVE project is run by LAB University of
Applied Sciences and co-funded by the European Union.