
24.10.2020 Invitation to general meeting

12.9.2020 Kirjoittanut Milla Pennanen

It´s finally time to have our General Meeting. We will combine spring and autumn meeting’s agendas. Meeting will be hybrid event, live meeting in Helsinki and streamed via Zoom.

We will publish the official agenda in our web page, but there will be at least the statutory matters and supplement selection for the board. If you are interested to apply for the board of Game Makers of Finland, you can ask more questions about that via email. Requirements for the board eligibility: the candidate must be member of Game Makers of Finland and a member of our top association of IT sector Employees (Tietoala ry).

TIME: 24.10. starting at 15:00 (pre-snacks and networking 15-16, meeting 16-18) PLACE: Saunat.fi Siltasaari, Paasivuorenkatu 3, Helsinki

Event in Facebook. Sign up here, even if you join the meeting online.

Agenda in Finnish Agenda in English

Join Zoom Meeting HERE or use meeting ID: 745 667 2195. The line will open at 15.45 for testing.


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24.10.2020 Invitation to general meeting

12.9.2020 Kirjoittanut Milla Pennanen

It´s finally time to have our General Meeting. We will combine spring and autumn meeting’s agendas. Meeting will be hybrid event, live meeting in Helsinki and streamed via Zoom.

We will publish the official agenda in our web page, but there will be at least the statutory matters and supplement selection for the board. If you are interested to apply for the board of Game Makers of Finland, you can ask more questions about that via email. Requirements for the board eligibility: the candidate must be member of Game Makers of Finland and a member of our top association of IT sector Employees (Tietoala ry).

TIME: 24.10. starting at 15:00 (pre-snacks and networking 15-16, meeting 16-18) PLACE: Saunat.fi Siltasaari, Paasivuorenkatu 3, Helsinki

Event in Facebook. Sign up here, even if you join the meeting online.

Agenda in Finnish Agenda in English

Join Zoom Meeting HERE or use meeting ID: 745 667 2195. The line will open at 15.45 for testing.


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