General Meeting 30.11. – Helsinki

17.11.2018 Kirjoittanut Milla Pennanen

It´s time to have our General Autumn Meeting (syyskokous). It will be held on Friday 30.11. at 17.30-19.00 in Games Factory, Lapinlahdenkatu 16, Helsinki.

The official agenda is here. There will be at least the statutory matters and supplement selection for the board. If you are interested to apply for the board of Game Makers of Finland, you can ask more questions about that or possible inform us beforehand by sending email here. Requirements for the board eligibility: the candidate must be member of Game Makers of Finland and a member of our top association of IT sector Employees (Tietoala ry).

If you are able to join the meeting, please sign up here and inform if you have any allergies. There will be some servings (pizza). Welcome!