
2.11. Annual Meeting

29.9.2024 Written by GMoF

Welcome to our annual regular autumn meeting on Saturday 2 November. You can participate in the meeting by arriving on site or via Teams. When registering, you can choose the method of participation.

Time: Saturday 2.11. meeting 15-17, pre-snacks and networking from 14:30    
Place: Gofore premises, Urho Kekkonen katu 7 B, Helsinki / Teams

The meeting deals with statutory matters and elects board members to replace those who are resigning. If you are interested in joining the activity, you can contact the board or the executive director. 

The eligibility requirement for a board member is that he must be a full member of Game Makers of Finland, i.e. also belong to Tietoala ry (Association of IT sector Employees) and Insinööriliitto (Union of Professional Engineers). 

Register for the meeting here.


1. Opening of the meeting
2. Establishing legality and quorum
3. Organizing the meeting and identifying the participants
a. The chairman of the meeting is elected
b. The secretary of the meeting is chosen
c. Two minutes inspectors are elected
d. Two tellers will be chosen
4. The agenda of the meeting is approved
5. Approving the action plan for 2025
6. A membership fee and a supporter membership fee for 2025 are set
7. Remunerations for board members and auditors are decided
8. The income and expenditure estimate for 2025 is approved
9. Election of the board for the term 2025–2026
a. Let's decide on the number of board members for the period 2025–2026
b. The actual members of the board are elected for the period 2025–2026
c. The alternate members of the board for the term 2025 will be elected
10. An operations inspector and a deputy are selected
11. Presentations and initiatives
12. Other things that may come up
13. Closing the meeting


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2.11. Annual Meeting

29.9.2024 Written by GMoF

Welcome to our annual regular autumn meeting on Saturday 2 November. You can participate in the meeting by arriving on site or via Teams. When registering, you can choose the method of participation.

Time: Saturday 2.11. meeting 15-17, pre-snacks and networking from 14:30    
Place: Gofore premises, Urho Kekkonen katu 7 B, Helsinki / Teams

The meeting deals with statutory matters and elects board members to replace those who are resigning. If you are interested in joining the activity, you can contact the board or the executive director. 

The eligibility requirement for a board member is that he must be a full member of Game Makers of Finland, i.e. also belong to Tietoala ry (Association of IT sector Employees) and Insinööriliitto (Union of Professional Engineers). 

Register for the meeting here.


1. Opening of the meeting
2. Establishing legality and quorum
3. Organizing the meeting and identifying the participants
a. The chairman of the meeting is elected
b. The secretary of the meeting is chosen
c. Two minutes inspectors are elected
d. Two tellers will be chosen
4. The agenda of the meeting is approved
5. Approving the action plan for 2025
6. A membership fee and a supporter membership fee for 2025 are set
7. Remunerations for board members and auditors are decided
8. The income and expenditure estimate for 2025 is approved
9. Election of the board for the term 2025–2026
a. Let's decide on the number of board members for the period 2025–2026
b. The actual members of the board are elected for the period 2025–2026
c. The alternate members of the board for the term 2025 will be elected
10. An operations inspector and a deputy are selected
11. Presentations and initiatives
12. Other things that may come up
13. Closing the meeting


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